Adam Campbell, ‘World’s Fastest Law Suit,’ Sets Marathon Record

When I sent a co-worker a link about the business suit wetsuit, they responded with this:

Most runners would be proud of finishing a marathon in two hours and 35 minutes. Try doing it in a suit!

Adam Campbell, a lawyer with Victoria firm Hemminger Schmid Lawyers and Mediators, set a world record in the Victoria Marathon on Sunday in a shirt, tie and sport jacket, beating the previous record by almost an hour.

Source: Adam Campbell, ‘World’s Fastest Law Suit,’ Sets Marathon Record

What the article doesn’t mention is the suit was made with athletic material, not your typical suit but certainly tailored.  You can see in the video that his shoes however were a standard running shoe – that red sure clashes with the grey suit.

Do You Know Your Knives?

Direct link to the infographic.  Here’s a different infographic.

Earlier, there was a post about how to sharpen the knife.  But a butter knife isn’t good against steak…  This graphic explains the proper use of teach type of kitchen knife, along with a few useful tips.

I guess they include Santoku under “asian cleaver”?  No mention of bread knife either…